A Diamond in the...Ruff?
I just wanted to take a second to thank you guys for all the work you did in helping me get my engagement ring designed and produced. You were great in helping me pick out the right diamonds. Thanks for being patient and humoring me in looking at different stones before selecting the one you recommended anyway! Thanks for helping me get the custom engagement ring designed, even though I picked a more standard design than I originally imagined. It was the right choice in the end and everyone loves it.
Just a quick note about the proposal that I thought you guys may like. My fiancée is a veterinary student at A&M and I wanted to catch her at school since that's where she spends almost all her time and all her friends would be there. I worked with a local vet and her professor to get some x-ray images of a dog with what would look like the ring in its stomach so that my fiancée would be assigned to remove the ring while she worked in the clinic. Don't worry, we just taped the ring to a dog's side and made it look like it was in there!
When my fiancée saw the x-rays, she was excited to be able to do a procedure like that but also to see someone's diamond ring. When she came to the "patient's" room, I was waiting for her with the ring inside a stuffed animal dog for her to retrieve. It went over really well and she was very very happy with the ring.
Thanks for everything. I've been wholeheartedly recommending you all for my friends.
I've attached an x-ray picture of the ring for your amusement.
Trent A
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