A Better Bling without Blood Diamond
You are looking for a diamond with a good cause. You’re a diamond lover. You’ve got countless pieces of jewelry studded with diamonds. You are looking to find an engagement ring with the right cause. You are one of those people who just can’t resist the glitter and brilliance that goes with a diamond. Then you learn about the existence of blood diamonds. Your world is suddenly turned upside down.
That may be a satiric narrative but the subject is dead serious. Blood diamonds are used to fund wars and other brutal activities in certain parts of the world. Diamonds sold in this illicit trade promote violence and kill people; you want to make sure that your own non conflict diamonds.
A blood diamond is defined as a diamond that was mined and taken from a war zone (usually an African country, but not always) and sold for purposes such as perpetuating child labor, state sanctioned violence and worker exploitation, to funding a war, providing payment to diamond companies throughout the world, or payment directly into a warlord’s pocket. This is why they are called blood/conflict diamonds. Plenty of people have even died over these diamonds, specifically in countries such as Angola, Liberia, Zimbabwe, and of course, Sierra Leone.
Whiteflash ACA Diamonds
So what can you do help? There are alternative diamonds you can buy—conflict free diamonds, which can even be bought online. Conflict-free diamonds are those gems which were not obtained due to human rights abuses, child labor, violence, or environmental degradation. Whiteflash.com, offers conflict-free diamonds, which are also no less real than the blood diamonds. Whiteflash also give guidance about how to differentiate between blood diamonds and certified conflict-free diamonds.
Whiteflash Initiatives
Dreams of Africa, a Whiteflash initiative, is a program funding relief for children in Africa. 100% of the profit from sales of a designer line of conflict-free diamond jewelry and merchandise goes to the World Centers of Compassion for Children International (WCCCI) to give children affected by the illicit trade of rough diamonds the chance for a brighter tomorrow.
Whiteflash was the first online jewelry retailer to be awarded membership to The Council for Responsible Jewelry Practices (CRJP).
Whiteflash introduced Dreams of Africa to such luminaries as the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu in September 2006, at the largest-ever gathering of Nobel Peace Prize winners on American soil, where we selected the WCCCI, established by Nobel Laureate Betty Williams, as our charity partner.
Dreams of Africa designer jewelry
We continue to be proactive, raising awareness for the victims of blood diamonds through our website, philanthropic celebrity endorsements, donations to charitable foundations, and communication with the media, but we would like your help.
Our message:
Blood Diamonds still exist. Buying “conflict-free” protects you as consumers but it doesn’t stop the pain. As one company we can’t change governments or politics, but we can turn diamonds into a gift for life.
Beyond the protectionist work Kimberley Process, the Patriot Act, NGOs and the CRJP are doing, we believe there must be people-centered answers to help actual humans without industry or red tape in the way
How can consumers help?
Spread awareness. Take part in the global discussion involving exploitation in areas where natural resources are rich and people are poor. Share this link and links to information given by other responsible organizations. Support “development diamond” initiatives such as Dreams of Africa. If possible, donate to organizations like UNICEF and the WCCCI.
Avoid conflict diamonds.
Consumers can aid in the effort to ensure that diamonds do not fund conflict. When shopping, here are four questions suggested by NGOs Amnesty International and Global Witness to test the seller’s commitment to preventing trade in conflict diamonds:
1. How can I be sure that none of your jewelry contains conflict diamonds?
2. Do you know where the diamonds you sell come from?
3. Can I see a copy of your company’s policy on conflict diamonds?
4. Can you show me a written guarantee from your diamond suppliers stating that your diamonds are conflict-free?
Whiteflash Answers
1. Whiteflash diamonds are produced exclusively by Kimberly compliant manufacturers.
2. All Whiteflash ACA and most ‘Expert Selection’ diamonds are produced on the same fine-make floor of our Kimberly compliant Antwerp site holder. All diamonds brought to Whiteflash, whether from Antwerp or our known USA suppliers are in strict compliance with the Kimberly Process and the USA Patriot Act.
3. This page represents our policy and position.
4. Our unique sourcing situation allows great comfort in knowing our diamonds are conflict-free. Additionally, every diamond we bring to Whiteflash is accompanied by this written guarantee:
The diamonds herein invoiced have been purchased from legitimate sources not involved in funding conflict and in compliance with United Nations Resolutions. The seller hereby guarantees that these diamonds are conflict free, based on personal knowledge and/or written guarantees provided by the supplier of these diamonds.
Every dealer should be prepared to provide you with the above written statement or words to that effect.
The Future
The political obstacles to creating free, fair and competitive markets in conflicted areas are historically considerable. Beyond the protectionist work Kimberly Process and the Council for Responsible Jewelry Practices are doing we feel the information age presents an opportunity to work toward people-centered solutions.
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