Monday, May 11, 2009

Common engagement ring hazards


Learn to care for your ring properly


Your engagement ring is one of the most valuable investments your future groom will make, so it's extremely important that you care for it properly to ensure that the stone and metal retain their brilliance. Here are our tips for what to look out for and how to keep your ring in tip-top shape.

Bending and stretching bands

More and more couples are choosing platinum, gold or white gold engagement ring settings. Platinum is pretty tough, so you won't have to worry about the metal bending or stretching. However, gold and silver are much softer and more malleable. This makes these metals susceptible to bending or stretching. The main culprit: catching the ring in a sweater, blanket or carpet. If a prong grabs the fabric and you yank your hand away quickly, it can result in a misshaped band. Avoid this by being careful. If your ring does snag something, don't pull away quickly.


Platinum rings are less likely to scratch because they're extremely tough. Small scrapes or nicks can be repaired with polishing (which can be done by most jewelers). If the damage is more significant, it might be more difficult to fix because of the density of platinum. On the other hand, gold and white gold are softer, so they may be easier to repair.

Loosening prongs

The risk of losing a stone in a pronged setting depends on the way it's constructed. Most prongs will loosen slightly over time from everyday wear and tear. Some typical culprits include catching the prong on a sweater or hitting your ring against a countertop or door by accident. If you notice that one prong is loose, take it to a jeweler immediately. Once one comes loose, the others are likely to follow. Make sure you inspect your ring every few weeks to ensure that the stone is secure.

What not to do!

Whether you're into horseback riding, mountain climbing or swimming, these activities can wreak havoc on your diamond engagement ring. If you're really active, you could increase the risk of banging your ring up against something that may cause the prongs to loosen up, scratch the metal or worse. To prevent this from happening, leave your ring at home when partaking in these activities. Another option: Get a necklace in the same metal as your ring and hang the ring around your neck while working with your hands (think pottery or gardening).

How to care for it

Harmful chemical substances, like hairspray or cleaning supplies, can damage the metal and decrease the ring's brilliance. Avoid these at all costs and take off your ring if you're using them.

To keep your ring shiny, have it professionally cleaned and checked for damage by a jeweler at least once a year. You can also maintain the luster by cleaning it at home with a jewelry cleaner just make sure you read the directions carefully. Some jewelry cleaners can damage delicate stones like emeralds, turquoise, opals and amethysts.


Posted via email from Whiteflash Diamonds posterous


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